Meet Our Equines
Our incredible therapy horses are the heart and soul of Equine-Assisted Therapy, providing life-changing support to individuals in our community and without them, our program wouldn’t exist! By sponsoring one of these amazing equines, you directly contribute to their care and ensure that we can continue offering these transformative services. Your sponsorship will help us reach more people in need, fostering healing, growth, and connection through the unique bond between humans and horses. Please consider sponsoring a therapy horse today and make a tangible difference in the lives of countless individuals.

Hi there! I’m Ace! I’m a tall & handsome Tennessee Walker Paint, and I was born in 2004. My hobbies are hanging out with my buddy, Buddy, and chewing on things left too close to me at my hitching post (my favorite is the double-paged Monday tack list… yum!). My sweetness is as big as I am, and I’ll fall asleep if you pet my big head and soft nose gently enough. Would you maybe sponsor me?

Smooth, sweet, soft on the inside with a silky chocolate coat… I’m no truffle, I’m Beau! But my eyes will soften like chocolate in the autumn sun when you allow yourself to fully stop and take a deep breath while you’re here next to me. I’m a handsome bay quarter horse, and I am in fact a true gentleman, your handsome Beau. Let us walk together in the field, smell the flowers together (don’t mind if I taste one or two), and let our cares fall away. These quiet moments with my humans are my purpose, and I hope I can help you “walk on” with a greater peace after these moments together.
Will you “walk on” with me as your sponsored horse?

I’m big, I’m beautiful, I’m Bennett! I am a 2003 Belgian/draft cross. I’m a big baby, wanting cuddles & scratches on my forehead all day long. Look into my eyes, you will see that my heart is as big as I am. I will trust you, I will do my best for you, and I will love every minute I’m with you (and with my best friends Tator and Spuds!). My heart is so open to helping others and I am the perfect horse for this job. I hope to be sponsored by a big heart like yours!

Well hello, I’m Brody, nice to meet you! I’m a chestnut Quarter Horse and I was born in 1998. I am tall and handsome and I love to say hello! I’ve been a therapy horse for years and have worked really hard at it and have formed special bonds with riders and leaders over the years. They know me, and I know them, and our special moments together make me stand strong and proud even as I spend my days munching grass and napping in the sun. I’d be proud to be sponsored by you!

I’m Buddy blue, how do you do? I like hanging out with that big Ace guy (he’s a paint like me!) and just doing what I can to make people and kids around me feel nice and relaxed. I was born in 1996, so I know a thing or two about helping people… I even have two different colored eyes to make people smile! Being sponsored would sure put a twinkle in my eye (the blue one OR the brown one!).

Hello new friend. I am also known as Johnny Cash. I am a 2005 Paint Quarter Horse. I can’t believe SO many people want to love me! I sometimes try to act tough around the other horses, but I am gentle as a lamb around my precious humans and around my best friend Bennett. I take such good care of my riders that one day my rider sneezed, and I stopped right away to make sure everything was okay! I love being used in classes, and I also love just spending quiet time being with you. Won’t you please sponsor me?

Steady, ready Dale – I’m your guy! I’m a Haflinger and was born in 2004. I’m sturdy and strong, and listen very carefully to my riders and leaders and I’m even extra helpful by coming up with my own plan if the humans need any ideas! I love a good cuddle and will fall asleep in moments if you gently scratch behind my ears or stroke my neck. I’m a hard worker, but I really just want to be loved – love is all we need! Oh, and someone to sponsor me!

Oh hey, hey there, hello there, helloooo. I’m Dokka, I’m a Norwegian Fjord, I was born in 2005. One instructor calls me Dokka Droopylip, and well… yup, she’s right. My bottom lip DOES droop a bit… all the time… so you can keep your keys, or spare change, or some snacks in there if you’d like. I like to be helpful, like knocking over a saddle if I think you need more exercise… and you know you can count on me if there’s a rider who really needs a calm, solid horse friend. Won’t you sponsor me?

Ohhh (sigh), hi. Sorry, I was napping. I’m Dusty, a sorrel Missouri Fox Trotter, born in 2002. But I see myself more as a Foxwalker, or Foxstopper… what I’m trying to say is that I just love to take my time. What’s the rush? Let’s all just stop and smell the roses (and munch a few… we’ve got time!). Look into my soft brown eyes, pet the little pink heart on my soft nose, and you’ll see there’s no reason to rush. When you’ve carried a beautiful ninety-year-old rider like I have, you’d realize every moment’s precious with this precious cargo that we carry. Take a moment, and consider sponsoring me!

Here I am, everyone’s Hero! I’m a bay draft cross, and I was born in 2003. Take one look at my big, strong body, huge hooves, and wild mane, and you’ll know I’m in charge of my herd. I love to use small trees to scratch my bottom, and use humans as a scratching post for my head. Since I’m so big, petting and riding me makes people feel brave and strong, and when they look into my big brown eyes, they feel safe, too. I guess that’s just part of being a Hero. You’d sure be my hero if you sponsor me!

Psst! Hey! It’s me, Magic! I’m a Gypsy Vanner, born in 2010, and yup, I’m as playful as I look! My huge mane, tail and feathering take up most of my body, but if you look under my thick, long forelock, you’ll see my twinkling brown eyes peering out, looking for someone to play with – or to cuddle with – or both! Could it be you? Sponsor me and maybe it can be!

Oh hi friend, you’re here to see me, right? And to pet me? And love me? Gosh that’s nice of you. We can hang out as long as you’d like, and you can pet my super soft, brown, velvety nose that just might remind you of a chocolate caramel truffle. I’m as sweet as caramel too, and I’ll stick with you like a true friend. Keeping my riders happy & safe is the sweetest part of my day, and even sweeter still is knowing I’ve been sponsored!

My name’s Obi… wait, you already knew that? I’m not surprised – I’ve been here at EAT for a long time! I’m a palomino Quarter Horse, born in 2006, and I’m a rock-solid friend you can always count on. My soft, honey-colored eyes bring calm to nervous riders, and my kind nature helps them feel safe in the saddle. I make my job as a therapy horse look easy, but the humans know it’s hard work, so they give extra love and care to us here. Would you sponsor me and do the same?

Excuse me… pardon me… I was just wondering… would you like to spend a few quiet moments with me? We don’t need to talk, or do much of anything. I’ve had a wonderful life of working cows and checking fence lines, and even showing my skills at Western horse shows. I loved all of that, but what I’ve really come to love is being the calm, sturdy friend my riders need – someone who can carry their cares and maybe get a bit of love in return. A gentle hand on my withers makes me feel like the biggest winner in the world – and so does being sponsored by someone like you!

I am proud, I am strong, I am majestic, I am the gatekeeper, I am St. Florian… or, well, most people just call me Flo. That’s fine by me, as long as they know I’m in charge. I’m a Gypsy Vanner, and I was born in 2006. I know I look flashy like a show horse with my long mane, proud gaze, and feathered feet, but my favorite pastime is in quiet moments cuddling with my favorite humans. When you see me, you see majesty and pride – but when you touch me, you feel peace and belonging. I’d definitely be proud to be sponsored!

Hello my new friend, I’m TJ! Hmm, I wonder, do you mind if I slowly sniff your sweet face, so I never forget this sweet moment with you, new best friend of mine? As you can see, I’m a small (but sturdy!) chestnut quarter horse, and I simply love my job as a therapy horse. If you lead me, I’ll follow wherever you might take me, and my rider will stay happy and safe on my small (but sturdy!) back. Giggles and smiles are my biggest weakness, but they make me feel strong as I carry my riders on these four small (but sturdy!) hooves of mine, to “walk on” with me to a lighter heart with each step. Will you consider “walking on” with me as your sponsored horse?

Hey, I’m Tator! I am NOT a walking potato… I’m a mini-donkey like Spuds (but no spots) and I was born in 2004, too! If you’d like some mischief, I’m your guy. I love to tease my best buddy Spuds, but don’t you take me away from him – I won’t go! I’m a real sweet-potato… if you crouch down to my level, I may just walk forward and give you one of my special donkey hugs. Especially if you sponsor me!